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Threshold - Egress


"Threshold - Egress," Passoverdance will collaborate with the renowned Norwegian dance company Nagelhus Schia Productions (NSP). It will feature two captivating works choreographed independently by Ms. Pewan Chow, Artistic Director of Passoverdance, and Norwegian choreographer Ms. Hege Haagenrud. These pieces will be performed by dancers from Hong Kong and Norway, showcasing the fusion of different cultures.

Bundle price offer for purchasing "Threshold" : $450*
*only available on

2023.11.30 (Thu) | 19:00
2023.12.01 (Fri)   | 19:00
2023.12.02 (Sat) | 14:00


Studio NSP, Oslo, Norway

Premiere in Norway

2023.12.09 (Sat) | 15:00, 20:00
2023.12.10 (Sun) | 15:00


Hong Kong Cultural Centre  Studio Theatre

Performance in Hong Kong

HK$280 / HK$168*  (Free Seating)
* Available for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and the minder (limited quota)
*Age limit of the show is 6 or above

Purchase 4 tickets or above have 15% off Discount !

Individual ticket for "Threshold - Egress" availaible now at URBTIX  


Open Rehearsal
2023.12.07 (Thu) | 17:00-18:00

Hong Kong Cultural Centre - Podium Workshop
Free to join*
*First come-first serve



Artistic Directors

Passoverdance | Pewan Chow 
NSP | Guro Nagelhus Schia

Associate Artistic Directors
Passoverdance | Gabbie Chan 
NSP | Vebjørn Sundby

Passoverdance | Pewan Chow 
NSP | Hege Haagenrud

Rehearsal Directors 
Passoverdance | Cherry Leung 
NSP | Kristin Hjort Inao

PassoverdanceRain Chan, Summer Tai, Sze-ling Wong, Gigi Yang
NSP 2 | Claire De Caluwe, Facundo Ebenegger, Andreas Holme, Ingrid Schade

Composer | Priscilla Chu (Passoverdance)
Lighting Designer | Leo Cheung (Passoverance); Jan Harald Ovrum (NSP)
Sound Designer | Sham Chung Tat (Passoverdance); Terje Wessel Øverland (NSP)
Costume Designer | Pewan Chow (Passoverdance); Line Maher & Hege Haagenrud (NSP)

Spatial Audio Programmer | Sham Chung Tat
Graphic Design | Peter Bird Studio 
Programme Photographer | Eric Hong
Programme Videographer | Slowdown
Producer | Anne Hung (Passoverdance); Tara Ishizuka Hassel (NSP)
Production M
anager | AY
Programme Coordinator | Pandora Sin, Shanny Wong , Kinling Lau*,  Michelle Wong 
*The Arts Administration Internship Scheme is supported by The Hong Kong Arts Development Council 

This project is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Nagelhus Schia Productions is supported by Bærum municipality, Viken county Talent Norway and The Savings Bank Foundation DNB.
NSP 2 is a collaboration between Nagelhus Schia Productions and Bærum Kulturhus

P a s s o v e r d a n c e

Copyright © 2022 Passoverdance. 

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